Thursday, May 3, 2007

Carolina Sounds

An ocean breeze finds me,
breathlessly, missin' him.
With the current I drift,
cause the shrimp boat knows
I'm kissin' him, across the miles.

While the band plays on
the ocean hears my song-

darling, you...send me,
I know you...send me,
honey, you...send me-
honest, you do...

Calling his words on the eastern winds;
O, honeyed words-hold me, kiss me,
as I breathlessly dance alone
beside the sea.

Sweet memories of chardonnay
under a live oak tree;
My infatuation grows, '
cause the sea gulls know-
he's thrillin' me-
across the miles.

*Author's Notes* Written after catering an outdoors wedding at a house called Live Oaks on a beautiful sound in Wilmington North Carolina.

"Why, then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open."
--William Shakespeare, 'The Merry Wives of Windsor'

1 comment:

Rob Kistner said...

I loved this piece Sherry - you made me laugh. :)

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